The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors

MRC Releases New Corrective Action Resources

The Member Resource Committee is please to share its newest resource, which is all about Corrective Actions. Five accredited laboratories shared information about their Corrective Action programs, including:

  • Location
  • Laboratory Type & Size
  • Disciplines
  • Size of QA Department
  • Accreditation/Oversight Bodies
  • Categories of quality events
  • Types of records associated with quality events
  • Who initiates and champions each of the above investigations and reports?
  • What steps are typically taken to investigate root causes?
  • What duration of monitoring period is assigned to assess the effectiveness of corrective actions?
  • Who determines the length of the monitoring period?
  • What types of quality events/issues would trigger a reassessment of casework?
  • What types of quality events/issues would trigger re-testing of casework?
  • If a quality issue recurs after a Corrective Acton has been closed out, is a new Corrective Acton record?
  • created or is the previous Corrective Acton record re-opened and updated?
  • How does the laboratory monitor trends in quality events?
  • What types of “significant events” does the laboratory disclose to the Accrediting Body?

A comparison chart and example forms are also provided.

Would you like to develop resources and programs to support the professional development and well-being of ASCLD members? Join the Member Resource Committee!

If you are interested in volunteering, we ask you to email Executive Director John Byrd ( and include a brief statement outlining your qualifications and motivation for joining.